
Measurement and Computer equipment:

  • Microwave network analyzer Keysight PNA-X N5245A (50GHz);
  • MMicrowave analog signal generator Keysight N5183B-540 MXG;
  • MSignal analyzer Keysight N9030B PXA;
  • MLogic analyzer Keysight 16801А;
  • MPulse function arbitrary noise generator Keysight 81160A;
  • MPower device analyzer / Curve tracer Keysight B1505A;
  • MProbe system Cascade EPS200RF;
  • MServer (Intel Xeon Quad-Core, 3 — 3,6 GHz, RAM 64 Gb) — 2 units;
  • MPC (Intel Core i7 3 GHz, RAM 8 Gb) — 26 units.

A measuring stand based on the CASCADE EPS200RF microwave probe station and the PNA-X N5245A microwave network analyzer, which are used to test pilot batches of integrated circuit crystals in the frequency range up to 50 GHz.

Automatic installer of SMD components Mechatronic Systems P10.

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